Vineyard @HortPark
This is like one of the places that I thought I probably won't have the chance to go as long as I'm single haha. Coz this restaurant looks so fancy and romantic, and just like the name, has this European classy wine cellar kind of vibe. But thanks to a discount voucher, managed to gather some fwens to dine out together.

It was my first time visiting Hort Park at dusk, such a beautiful view and the weather was just nice to stroll around the green fields. And its like doggy gathering time, so many furry kids running around, quite therapeutic haha.
Think it was nice that we get to enjoy the sunset before going into Vineyard for dinner.

Italian Prosciutto Pizza - $24
So gooood. Smoked meats with the nutty arugula, mushy tomatoes smeared over crunchy crust. This can't go wrong.

Truffle Fries - $14
Quite a small portion, but it's nice that they mixed sweet potato fries too.

Spiced Irish Duck Leg Confit - $28
Ah so good. Super tender and a little bit smokey meat. The barley on the side was so good. It's chewy and has a little hint of tumeric.

Barramundi Acqua Pazza - $28
This was delicious, I have no idea what veggie is that but wow the crunch was amazing. The fish was just tender and fragrant. The sauce was a nice mix of sweet and sour. It's like a very refined and zeng up version of sweet and sour fish.

Risotto Al-Funghi - $20
This was good too omg. It's like some fancy porridge with an awesome earthy flavor of mushrooms.
Vineyard was really great anyway, love the ambience, the food was special, not your usual western food like aglio olio or grilled chicken, but each has special elements with unique flavors. And yes the price point might be slightly higher, but it's really something different from what I have usually haha. So I'd say it's worth it!
Even better when it's just next to this pretty park. Here's some snaps we had to capture the beautiful sunset at Hort Park.
