Hi! I'm Carmen.
Hey there! Thanks for dropping by at this site. Been blogging since high school and still doing it because I do treat this blog like a diary, a friend to listen to things that I want to remember.
I'm a typical KL girl who speaks Rojak language and loves yummy food. In 2013, I was given the opportunity to study in Singapore and now I am based in the lion-city. You'll see me sharing my days in the two countries I love.
Well, you! Think of this blog as my house and I would like to welcome you with my thoughts and entertain you with my memories. There are many experiences that I want to share with you and among them, traveling and food has got to be my favorite. But I don't want to call this a food blog or fashion journal 'cause I will be sharing every random stuff or any interesting experiences. So, this blog is all ME and hope you enjoy it!