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Glyph Supply Co for premium tasting coffee

Not sure what was wrong with me but I somehow bought a 15 bucks filtered coffee! Don't know how I convinced myself it will be worth it but true enough, the coffee was so good. It has a very sweet aroma, and taste like a special category of coffee. Not too Sour not too bitter. The balance is just nice!

My friend's white and I got a cinnamon roll.

There, my Ccd reserve geisha #3. Love the cup actually. I rmb a show once said the cups are meant to be shaped like a wine glass. Again, it was a really good cup of coffee and I'm not even sure if I should call it coffee. It's just a whole different taste. Given the price point, I guess it's really a once in a long while thing if you just want something special to brighten your day!

OOTD at the seemingly empty square at Ngee Ann Plaza

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