Cycling Trip East Coast Park to Changi Airport via Changi Jurassic Mile

Hi there, happy to be sharing some of my explorations in singapore apart from my usual food reviews.
Thanks to, Covid-19, I guess I really checked out so many more places in singapore and finalleh went cycling for the first time! Specifically first time on mainland Singapore Island, the only other time I went cycling was in ubin.
Honestly I thought SG wasn't a super cycling friendly country as compared to Taiwan. I loved cycling in Taiwan, especially the cycling routes that links up most of the tourist attractions. But so glad to know that I'm wrong about cycling in SG. PCNs are the best!
This is my first of many cycling trips to come and I'm glad I selected a very scenic one from East coast Park to Changi Airport, via the Changi Jurassic Mile!

Started our day with MCD at Marine Cove, definitely one of the best mcd outlets that I've been. Ultra spacious, right along East Coast Park. And there's power outlets and wireless docks for charging! Exactly what I needed given my quickly draining phone battery.
We rented our bikes from GoCycling at C4 Carpark which allows us to return the bike at Changi Airport T2. It costs 8 bucks for 2 hours. We were lucky to get mountain bikes, which are speedier. There we began the cycling along ECP, into Changi Jurassic Mile and ending at Hub & spoke at T2. Enjoying the sea view on our right along the way, with random beaches, some lush greens, dinosaurs, and finally grounded planes before reaching Changi.

Loved this part of the route, it felt almost similar to cijin cycling route.

Gotta say I appreciate how this small stretch of dinosaurs felt made me somehow felt like a fun trip. How often you get displays of almost actual sized dinos that is not in an overpriced themed Park.

The route took us less than 2 hrs. Since we are in Changi, can't leave without checking out Jewel right. Still easily entertained by the massive waterfall. Despite there are many places that I want to eat, they are all lined with crazy long queues and hence we settled for a quite meh ramen.

Yes I think I took a photo of the waterfall at every level loooool
Also went to the pokemon centre! Ahhh all the memories from primary school came alive. "I wanna be the very best..."
Always need coffee and desserts. Again the cafes are all packed except for this one that's in the middle of the shops. Kinda like the decor, with sleek wooden tables and earthy tone furniture. Great place to just rest after all d cycling.

Finally treating myself to churros as take-home souvenir! The cream cheese dip was pretty good.
