Along with the Gods 与神同行 Movie Review
I am no expert movie commentator but I guess interesting movie deserved to be introduced and honestly this blew my mind. WTH like seriously how can one movie about HELL can be so visually appealing and breathtakingly fun? It was one hell of a movie and I mean it both ways. Initially when I read the movie synopsis..."The story depicts the stages of hell before one can be reincarnated." I'm like seriously why would I wanna watch a movie that shows me the horrors that unleash once I'm dead? But my roommate shared about it and gave thumbs up and a look that says "this is real good" which really intrigued me and after I found out Cha Tae Hyun stars in it, oh well, no reason to miss it!!
Trying hard to not spoil the story, lemme tell you why you should totally watch this movie. It's going to show you a world that you might have imagined, but ten times more realistic. The graphics of the film is just awesome, not sure how they do it, it obviously looks artificial but still it's visually stunning to the eyes and gives a really mystical sense. Plus the first person perspective pulls you into that underworld as well. Next, the amazingly interesting plot and characters! Thumbs up on the character design and story telling. It has a little bit of everything. Action, humour, fantasy, suspense and justice. Plus it paints a lot more details to our imaginations, all the different hell gods with different personality, the grim reaper who defends and protects you, makes you wonder maybe hell isn't really a terribly ill place afterall, it has its rules and order. For the storyline, though I still find it hard to digest certain details but it has a strong main plot that keeps you at the edge of your seat, wondering what will happen next.
Finally, a story that makes you think deep and wide. We're talking about the afterlife, we're talking about judgement day, we're talking about the day where we look back on what we've done with our lives, all these things that may seem pretty far from us but honestly we never know when will this day arrive. But this film dives straight into this topic and you realize this isn't something that you should avoid from, in fact everyday, self-reflection should be a norm. Hell ride or not, it will make you think on what you've done in the past and how you wanna live it in the future, and I can tell you, I didn't think about this question out of fear, I didn't try to be someone nice so that I could avoid the pain/suffer/torture. For that moment I just wished I could be a better person because it's the right thing to do, not because I don't wanna burn in flames.
aiyarrr summary, it's just unlike anything we've seen so far, so go experience something special!
Sharing the following photos of the star-studded cast of the film.

Finally, the trailer of the film, I'm sure it will intrigue you!