#carmenxjapan Day 13: Universal Studios Japan
So excited to be sharing this post at my new platform. Sorry I know it's been almost two three four five months since this happened, but hey if there's anything from the trip that I wanna pen down, it will definitely be this dayyyyy. If you cannot bear reading a crazy girl day dreaming about being a witch and being classmates with Harry Potter, time to click the close button.

Universal Studios Japan, Osaka
They say save the best for the last and I knew I had to save the day at USJ for last. So that I can splurge all I want hahahahha. I spent the most money here but damnnn I'm so happy haha. Call me superficial but I will do anything to make myself closer to the Wizarding World.
So Universal Studios Japan is probably the must-go themepark in Asia. Not only it gathers all your favorite movie characters but more importantly, it has the only Hogsmeade and Hogwarts in Asia. But I have to say it's not just about Harry Potter, the different areas do have its charm. I do appreciate how most of the themepark is very different from USS so it doesn't feel like I'm visiting the same place. But aside from difference, USJ is massive! Like there's no way you can go for all rides in one day, and the fact that the crowds are at last two times as much as USS doesn't help. I can totally understand why the express pass is so expensive. Even the general admission is expensive, at around S$95. So if you dont have money, time is your asset and be prepared to splurge 2 hours for signature rides like Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey and the Flying Dinosaur. If you really want to make the most out of your trip, do come at least an hour before the official park opening time. Yes I was Kiasu enough to do so and waited under the scorching sun for the gates to open, and true enough, the park opened its gates half an hour before the official time. So that's how you earn the extra half an hour headstart and just like most of the crowd, I headed straight for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (WWHP).

That's my Hogwarts Express....
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
If you don't know where's the Harry Potter area, just follow all the kiasu-running folks haha. You'll find yourself surrounded by the green pine trees, just like the movieeee. When you finally come to the end of the pine trees path, the gate of Hogsmeade awaits and the chimney of Hogwarts Express is bubbling steaming smoke. By the way, you've probably seen guidebooks or blogs that mentioned about the timed-entry system. With all the crowds flocking to WWHP i thought I would have to get one. Turns out the time-entry ticket only applies when the park is extremely crowded, yes you heard me, I used the word EXTREMELY. I swear the crowd I encountered on that Monday was at least two times as much as the crowd I'd seen on a weekend in USS. So yea I can't imagine how packed will WWHP be during the "timed-entry required" days. Moving on, with my feet on the stone pavement of Hogsmeade, I walked down the streets with all the interesting stores, peeking through the windows, checking out sweets at Honeydukes, Zonko's Joke Shop, there's also shops from Diagon Alley such as Olivanders and the Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment.
To make the "dream" somehow more real, I bought my own robes from Taobao (knowing that the one in USJ will cost a bomb). But felt like an idiot when i realize no one wears it haha, instead I see loads of minionssssss. But oh well, I enjoyed acting like a crazy fan since no one knows me there :D

Was finding the Honeydukes cellar that will lead to Hogwarts :P


They even got the toilets right.

One of the things you should do, go to the Owl Post, buy a post card and send them somewhere so that it will be stamped with the Owl Post's official seal hehe. I didn't have a pen with me, the crew borrowed me the Sirius dark quill pen, making things even real haha.
The Three Broomsticks
A walk through the street and taking the ride is not enough, gotta try whatever I can including wizard's meal, nah just joking, nothing wizard about the food haha. But The Three Broomsticks is gorgeous, the dark wooden tables, antlers on the walls and the hanging chandeliers.

Another must-try, the butter beer! Honestly, knowing the taste of this beverage is the best proof for telling people that you've been to the Wizarding World of HP. This sweet, caramel-ish drink with its buttery foam is actually pretty good, during the summer, you could get frozen butter beer to beat the heat.

Fish and Chips to complete the English experience.

At the alfresco area, you could get a pretty view of Hogwarts with its reflection on the dark lake. Great place to take photos and whats even better, the super friendly crew who offered to take your photos.

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey and Hogwarts Castle Walkthrough
I swear the Harry Potter was the best ride I had in USJ, 2.5 hours of queuing but it's worth it. Well I admit I spoiled the experience abit by watching the youtube ride videos previously but I swear those videos don't do any justice to how fun and exciting the ride experience was. So we're sitting on this enchanted cupboard or bench idk, and were taken through a thrilling journey at the Wizarding World, it's like enjoying the essence of the Wizarding World, Hogwarts, Quidditch, Dragons and narrowly escaping a Dementor's kiss. The only thing that kinda ruined the experience was the Japanese voice-over :( But if you're a potter-head, i'm pretty sure you'll figure out what they meant. Anyways, before reaching the ride, the queue goes around several important locations of Hogwarts castle and damnnn I almost cried seeing those walls, those moving portraits, those skulls in the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom. Was hoping there's a great hall and hagrid's hut haha.

Dumbledore's Office

Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom

Was kind of reluctant to leave the Wizarding World but oh well, I paid 95sgd for the tickets, can't just let it go to waste without trying some of the other rides. Sorry there's not many photos for the rest of the park coz I was pretty much just queuing and trying to clear as many rides as possible. Good thing that some of the rides have single-rider queues, saved me quite a lot of time since I didn't have the express pass. Just to list a few rides that I went to (SPOILERS AHEAD):
Jaws - Boat ride that takes you through the peaceful Amity Village, just sit back and see how the white shark hunts your boat.
The Amazing Spider Man - The whole ride experience felt super similar with Transformers ride at USS, but of course with a very different story line, let Spiderman give you a tour through the buildings and I mean it literally.
Jurassic Park The Ride - A different variation to USS' Jurassic River Rapids. I like how USS's boat is a circular one, but like USJ's scenes, especially the ending where you barely escaped a T-Rex.
Terminator 2: 3-D - Weather in Osaka was blazing hot and I decided to take cover at an indoor atttraction. But turns out this ride was pretty cool as well. From my first step into the building, it did felt like I was truly entering the futuristic Cyberdyne building. Especially the pre-show, I have no idea what the lady in red suit is talking about but it just seemed so funny yet creepy at the same time.
Godzilla THE REAL - Every January to June, USJ will feature shows and attractions based on hit Japanese manga, yes, what is Japan without its awesome manga lineup. So this is a 4-D show which takes you through a mission of taking down the disastrous Godzilla. Before the show, we were given Japanese newspapers that report on the attack of Godzilla (how I know it's about an attack, I JUST KNOW) and there's a pre-show aka briefing by the mission's commander. For those who are not very familiar with Japan's manga scene it's a good place to enjoy its essence.
Evangelion XR Ride - Highly recommend this, it's something fresh yet exciting. I guess this is where the future of roller coasters are heading to, using VR headsets to enter a world that bends the physical world's rules. Basically I became a Evangelion pilot and joined the battle against the Angels. You can turn your head around and see the whole Evangelion universe and the drops are much scarier coz you can't see them coming.
Despicable Me Minion Mayhem - Queued for almost two hours for this T T It's a tour to Gru's house and his despicable lair. Minions together with Margo, Edith and Agnes will be hosting you.
Photos of other areas of the park, bear with me, I can't leave without taking photos of myself hahahahha

The massive New York area, with wide streets and all the pretty buildings. USS 你输了 。

Love the spacious streets, unlike USS, where you will probably photobomb someone every second.

Cyberdyne Systems building
Though Minion Mayhem wasn't my favorite ride, Minion Park has to be my favorite place after WWHP. The park is basically a remake of the town that Gru and his three daughters live in. The colorful houses, the mowed green grass and finally the minions that flood the park. Well the park was so crowded but I still love the vibes.

Gru's Lair

Was craving for some snacks, got a minion ice cream cookie sandwich with Mango Mousseeeee. So cuteee omg. Btw it's Japan and you might wanna try the minion themed mochi.

Night falls after I complete my last ride at Minion Park, decided to head back to WWHP again and damnnnn, Hogmeade looks magical at night.

So reluctant to leave :( this is where i'll say 带着依依不舍的心情回家

Tips and Tricks at USJ
Just some useful info that I think you should now if you plan to make a visit to USJ.
1. Reach at least one hour before the official park-opening time. Not only because the park will open before the official time, the queue is actually insane when I reached there 2 hours before the official opening time.
2. If you love WWHP, don't think, just run towards WWHP and go for the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride. Why? Coz the queue forms very fast, so if you don't want to queue for 2.5 hours like i did. Just go for the ride first thing when there's much less people. After that, you could slowly enjoy Hogmeade and you can still take a tour of Hogwarts castle via the Walkthrough lane.
3. If you love roller coasters, the next thing you need to run for is the Flying Dinosaur, which i passed due to the crazy 2 hours queue (Even Single Rider Queue was at 70 minutes).
4. I'm sure everyone knows this already, but, don't visit during weekends or school holidays (summer). Turns out the summer crowd is so insane that they have timed-entry for WWHP. Which brings me to my next point.
5. The WWHP timed-entry is not applicable on all days. If you google USJ tips, many would tell you about this timed entry ticket but actually you don't really need them if it's not too crowded. I suggest you could ask the park crew when you first enter USJ to check on this.
6. For solo travelers, don't be shy to ask the park crew to take photos for you. I know there's no free photos in Genting or USS, but over here, the park crews will actually offer to take photos for you! So don't feel paiseh,
7. Be prepared to spend a bomb on food. I had my meal in WWHP which costs around 50 SGD in total. Please budget for this because you can't really find these movie-themed snacks or meal elsewhere.
8. Butterbeer is a must try! Not only it cools you down on a summer day, you can't get this drink anywhere else in Asia.
9. Save time with Single Rider queue, and I mean really save a lot of time. Rides like JAWS and Spiderman has a Single Rider queue which pretty much brings you straight to the ride. So Solo Travelers, you can just ignore the express pass.
10. But, if you really want to enjoy every single ride and themed areas, suggest you still get the express pass because USJ is massiveeeee. I didn't have enough time to walk through every single alley and I totally missed the kiddy area.
11. Again, USJ is massive. There's loads of hidden alleys where you could take legit chio photos. Make sure you explore them!
12. Shopping, honestly, all the stuff are damn expensive but there's nowhere you can find Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean and Chocolate Frog. So do budget for all these premium merchandise when you plan for your visit!
What's in my closet on the last day in Japan hahahahah:

It's been almost five months since Grad Trip and I'm still missing every awesome moment in Japan. The culture, the people, the FOOD. I know Japan is not exactly a cheap place to tour but really worth the experience, it is a very unique country which will amaze you with the smallest things. For girls, Japan is definitely a good choice for a solo travel, not only it is convenient and safe, I guess this is one country where dining alone is not something to be embarrassed of, in fact you'll find it difficult to get a table for more than 4 in most of the restaurants. And I guess, the best part has to be the people, respect is the universal language here, as long as you have them, you'll be able to connect with them. I will not forget the kind people who offered help for the smallest things like taking a photo and showing me the directions 2 seconds they see me staring into the map. Can't wait to revisit again soon!!